SBISurban-Secure Urban Bus Information System based on Smart Devices



SBISurban-Secure Urban Bus Information System based on Smart Devices_0

논문명 : SBISurban-Secure Urban Bus Information System based on Smart Devices
저자명 : 박동혁, 김현성
학술행사 : International Journal of Security and Its Applications
발행기관 : SERSC

철원버스 앱의 운영 사례를 기초로 Bus Information System(BIS)이 갖고있는 보안적 이슈와 보호되어야 하는 데이터, 그 데이터 속성에 따라 달리해야하는 보안기술, 그리고 주요 보안위협에 대한 안전성 비교 등을 연구한 논문입니다. BIS는 User, Bus, Server의 엔드노드를 갖으며, 각 노드들 간의 통신에는 인증, 기밀성, 무결성, 프라이버시 등의 보안요소를 요구합니다. 이에 각 노드들이 통신할 때에 보안요소를 충족할 수 있는 보안기술로 HTTPS 통신 및 AES, ECC, SHA2 등을 활용한 Public Key Cryptosystem, Reporting Fake Signal 등을 제안하고 있으며, 이를 통해 Bus Masquerading Attack, Server Masquerading Attack, Session Key Agreement, Privacy Support 등의 공격에 대한 안정성을 갖는것을 증명합니다. SCOPUS 등재지 International Journal of Security and Its Applications 2015년 9권 1호에 게재했습니다.

1. Introduction
2. Overview of Bus Information System
3. Secure
4. Analyses
5. Conclusion
7. References

Bus information system (BIS) has been developed for networking passengers with bus companies that provide public transportation services. The BIS, also denoted as BISgeneralized, supports a passenger with personalized and realtime bus information services in all phases of a journey. Today’s BISgeneralized encompasses multiple technologies, including advanced visual displays, public address, emergency intercommunications, digital surveillance systems, IP networks, wireless networks, video streaming, coders, decoders and many more. These systems deliver real time bus information seamlessly on vehicles and in stations, while they are controlled and managed from a single control center. However, lots of small bus companies’ services like urban city’s bus company or small organization’s bus could not afford to operate the profound services to the passenger due to the budget of the city, which requires complicated infrastructure. To provide the BIS services with cheap cost, this paper proposes a secure urban BIS, denoted by SBISurban, based on smart devices and explains the security issues related to the system operation. The SBISurban is to reduce the cost and to ensure security and privacy from the BISgeneralized. The SBISurban is secure from various attacks, provides privacy and has good properties compared with the other systems.